April 12, 2007

PDF Workflow Automation Comes to Publisher

Appingo Publishing Professionals does PDF-X-Robot for PDF Workflow

A well respected book and magazine publishing service, Appingo, based in the Boston area has automated their page production with PDF. Appingo works on college textbooks, including complex math and chemistry texts, K-12 primers and ancillary materials, custom magazines and professional journals.

Appingo started using an automated PDF workflow tool by Software-Robotics.Com. The tool is called PDF-X-Robot which comes with both an Adobe InDesign Plug-In and a Quark Xtension. PDF-X-Robot is now in use by printers and publishers worldwide. It is considered to be the fastest, most accurate method for converting Quark Xpress and or Adobe InDesign documents into plate ready PDF files. PDF-X-Robot can run dozens of documents and hundreds of pages automatically, unattended.

Steve Jewett, president of Appingo writes:

"PDF-Robot is an awesome tool! This is the way I believe these jobs should be done. Thanks for your hard work and excellent support."

Steve Jewett, president

If you are interested in PDF-X-Robot for your printing and publishing workflow, you can get it from: http://software-robotics.com/

Click Post Title Above For More Info. . .

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